Thought commentary by Chris Vargas, Warrior Society

Mary Thomas, a Cleveland National Forest Service biologist, informed us that Maple Springs Road, the name for Silverado Canyon Road at which it enters National Forest, will be open this year.

Maple Springs Road was closed during the Arroyo Toad breeding seasons from April 1 through October 30. This was due to a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity over 7 years ago.

The record-breaking rains of last year have caused the Arroyo Toads to lose their egg laying habitat, making it impossible for them to reproduce again. In the past, droughts have resulted in the end of the breeding season.

Sierra Club and the Center For Biological Diversity have filed a lawsuit/restraining orders against Mother Nature at the 9th District Court. They are claiming that Mother Nature’s actions (rain) led to the destruction Arroyo Toads habitat. Mother Nature is also accused of causing droughts over multiple years that have prevented the Toad’s breeding.

Mother Nature received a restraining Order signed by Judge U. yesterday as a result of the lawsuit. Harshly. It seems that the judge wants to stop so-called Acts of God immediately since he has confidential information that Mother Nature is behind it all and not God.

According to the Sierra Club, Mother Nature does not want to freeze nature in static form. This is why it has been blamed in the past for many species’ extinctions (including dinosaurs) due to Ice Ages and Warming Periods.

They presented historical evidence to prove Mother Nature’s negligence in the lawsuit. It was shown that the Medieval Warm Period (from approximately 750 A.D. – 1250 A.D.) saw higher temperatures that allowed Vikings to settle a warmer, greener Greenland around 1000 years ago. Historical records also show that higher temperatures enabled wine-making and vineyards to be brought northward into Britain during the Medieval Warm Period.

The Medieval Warm Period’s higher temperatures were followed by the Little Ice Age, which caused severe agricultural shortages in Northern Europe and froze Greenland’s Viking colonies. Historical records and scientific reports indicate that sunspot activity reached its maximum during the Medieval Warm Period. The coldest temperatures during the Little Ice Age were recorded during the Maunder Sunspot Minimum (the period between 1645-1715 A.D., when there was minimal sunspot activity).

The Sierra Club spokesperson stated that while we wish we could put the past warming periods on man and their effect on Global Warming (but cars and modern industry didn’t exist), Mother Nature must accept responsibility.

He said, « People forget that even though Mother Nature caused humans to adapt or perish, the impacts on non-human species were just as severe. They affected their habitats, breeding patterns, and migration patterns.

The Sierra Club spokesperson was asked if the cooling trend between 1940 and 1970 that led to the Global Cooling Crises and the current warming period could be attributed to Mother Nature. He responded by accusing the person asking him of being in the pockets of the big oil and stated that the Sierra Club believes that Mother Nature is also in their pocket.

Judge U. signed the restraining order. Harshly stated further that any future cataclysmic events would be illegal. The judge also noted that asteroid impacts with Earth were deemed unacceptable. All asteroids with any intent of ever coming CLOSE to Earth are subject to the harshest possible treatment.

The Earth Liberation Front spokesperson stated: Bad, bad Mother

At press time, we were not able to obtain a statement from Mother Nature. She was also reported by the Los Angeles Times as being under investigation by UN for her use of earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis to destroy other critical habitats.

Because only a portion of Americans have come over, some Americans require hyphens to be added to their names. But when the whole man has gone over, mind, and heart, the hyphen is free of its own weight and can no longer be used in his name.

Woodrow Wilson